Weather in South Tyrol
Weather forecast for the coming days
Current weather
Very sunny weather with generally clear skies. The foehn wind will be easing.
Maximum temperatures between 5° and 13°.
Weather in the mountains
Weather in the mountains
A high pressure field will guarantee very sunny weather.
Sunshine will dominate on all mountain ranges with excellent visibility. The wind from the north will be lessening and temperatures will rise.
Mountain weather tomorrow
A high pressure field will remain over the Alps, but with more humid air masses arriving from the north.
Clouds will initially arrive from the north, which will tend to thin out as the hours pass. On the border ridge the cloudiness will remain more intense.
Next evolution
On Monday, the weather will be mostly sunny with only a few passing high clouds.
Tuesday is also expected to be generally sunny with a few cloudy skies.
On Wednesday, clouds are likely to increase with only sunny spells.
On Thursday, sun and clouds will alternate.
Current weather
Very sunny weather with generally clear skies. The foehn wind will be easing.
Maximum temperatures between 5° and 13°.
Next evolution
On Monday, the weather will be mostly sunny with only a few passing high clouds.
Tuesday is also expected to be generally sunny with a few cloudy skies.
On Wednesday, clouds are likely to increase with only sunny spells.
On Thursday, sun and clouds will alternate.
Weather in the mountains
A high pressure field will guarantee very sunny weather.
Sunshine will dominate on all mountain ranges with excellent visibility. The wind from the north will be lessening and temperatures will rise.
Mountain weather tomorrow
A high pressure field will remain over the Alps, but with more humid air masses arriving from the north.
Clouds will initially arrive from the north, which will tend to thin out as the hours pass. On the border ridge the cloudiness will remain more intense.
5 days forecast
© Weather service Autonomous Province of Bozen/Bolzano